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December 2017 Platform Update

December 2017 Platform Update

At The Social Station, we’re constantly improving our platform we use to manage your business’ reviews and social media. Before the calendar turns over for a new year, we thought now would be the perfect time to highlight some of our most recent enhancements.

Video Posts

We directly integrated video posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram into our platform. Your weekly post summary emails now include preview links to any videos scheduled for posting on your social profiles.

Multiple Image Posting

We enhanced our posting support for multiple images on Facebook and Instagram. On Facebook, images are now combined into a single post with each image having its own comment thread. On Instagram, the images are combined in a native carousel gallery.

280 Character Tweets

We increased the length of tweets to support Twitter’s new 280 character limit.

Faster Turnaround Time for Rejected Posts

We now automatically remove posts on Facebook or Twitter if a member of your team rejects a post after it was published. To take advantage of this, make sure your team is using the “Do Not Publish” button in our post emails instead of replying directly to the email.